When you visit our site at Paydaypact, We keep only the personal information you choose to provide us (such as giving feedback or filling out a questionnaire). We may employ “cookies” on some pages of our site for purposes of assisting you better next time you visit our website. Cookies are tiny text files saved to the hard disk of your computer by the hosting server’s website page. They do not contain any personal data or information. The data we gather from cookies helps us with administrative tasks, e.g., to assist us in improving our site’s layout and content. Cookies can additionally be utilized to analyze the way you navigate through our site to show ads that are relevant to you on other sites.


We do not intend to gather or store the personal information of children younger than 13 on our site or elsewhere.


When you make a purchase online through us, you agree to give us personal information, i.e., your log in number as well as your password. The information you provide, which could be upgraded from time in the future, allows Paydaypact and the companies we partner with to offer you a secure login to the accounts you have. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology (128-bit) and multi-factor authentication is used to safeguard your personal data. In a session of login, cookies are used to protect your information. However, your personal or account data is not stored in the cookies.


If you decide to fill out your online form and/or application, participate in a contest, or take part in a survey, Paydaypact may ask to provide details about you. Forms and online applications that require non-public personal data are transmitted to us via secure phone or data lines. We store and collect the information to be able to reply to you and maintain a log of our responses.

If you directly send an email to an address on the Paydaypact email address via the Internet or if we provide you with the possibility of sending us an Internet email via our website, we will collect and retain any personal information you provide to contact your request and keep a log of your response. Internet email is not secured and should not be used to address queries of a sensitive and private nature. Because the Internet email response to you isn’t secured, we will try our best not to include private account information in the course of addressing your concerns via email response.


There are “co-branded” sites on our website Paydaypact. Co-branded websites are those on which you can notice the Paydaypact logo and name and the logo and name for the company offering the services. Paydaypact does not take responsibility for any information you submit or be collected from any other website, nor for the privacy or content Policy of any site. But we will try to make sure that the websites have privacy policies that are like our own. We recommend that you read carefully the Privacy as well as Security Statements of each site prior to giving personal details to the company. Our website also contains hyperlinks to other websites with the intention of providing informational and/or community-related information and resources. Paydaypact is not responsible for the security or privacy practices or the information on these sites, and, if appropriate, before you provide any personally identifiable information on any of these websites, we suggest that you review these privacy and security Statements.


We could collect data about your mobile device, like the settings of your device as well as unique device identifiers, details about your location, and other information that can aid in diagnosing and improving performance. To make things easier, You may be asked to give permission to access the geolocation information on your mobile device. This data may be gathered whenever you utilize specific services that depend on the location of your mobile device (such as where you can find ATMs or transactions in-store).


Phishing is a method of trying to steal your personal data by pretending to be an email address, website, or representative of an institution. Make sure you are aware of the fact that Paydaypact will never ask for confidential information, like the details of your Social Security number, PINs, or passwords, via telephone, email, or text messages. In the event that you get a text message, email, or phone call asking for the same information, Contact us immediately.


While a perfect security system isn’t feasible, We have procedures and policies implemented to safeguard the security of your financial and personal information. We do not nor will we sell your account information. We may share details with third-party companies, in accordance with the law, in order to improve the products and services that we provide and to ensure compliance with state, local, and federal regulations.

Jeff Gitlen

Jeff Gitlen is a graduate of the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware. Gitlen has spent the past five years writing and researching on personal finance issues which include credit cards, student loans insurance, and other. His writing has been featured in top news publications among them are Bloomberg, CNBC, Forbes along with Market Watch.